Marilina Fanou
An island full of black magic rabbits.
An island full of gold and ageless people.
An island full of fog.
Or an island that never existed.
The mythical island of Hy-Brazil, is reborn from the Irish myths and the maps of the 14th century.

The modular island
Georgia Papalexandri
The three Moires have observed the rapid changes in the natural environment and the morphology of the islands caused by the humans. Humans have in many ways mocked the gods and felt superior to the forces of nature, so now they have been given a chance to create their own land, without having to spoil the natural state of the islands. Using the triangular module they’ ve been given, they can construct artificial isles and islands of any width and height, according to their desires.

TOL, no specific location (brain)
Yannis Bessas
fictional languages
1. Na’vi spono
2. Dothraki qile
3. Elvish (tol)
island, isle
tol noun "island, isle" (rising with sheer sides from the sea or from the river, SA:tol, VT47:26). In early "Qenya", the word was defined as "island, any rise standing alone in water, plain of green, etc." (LT1:269). The stem is toll-; the Etymologies as published in LR gives the pl. "tolle" (TOL2), but this is a misreading for tolli (see VT46:19 and compare LT1:85). The primitive form of tol is variously cited as ¤tolla (VT47:26) and ¤tollo (TOL2).
island, remote land difficult to reach

Pacoya islands, Kalymnos, GR
Vaso Aidonidou
The amphibious sea tribes, living by cultivating fish, produce, oysters, sea sponges and by taming the indigenous flora and fauna, create an escalating network of “islands” that helps them manage and mold the natural coastal form. The sea life -and therefore their life- depends on the structure that attracts and breeds the local species.

Foteini Stamouli
Greece is a country that has been formed by several natural phenomena, the rash of earthquakes and volcanic eruptions that have created a number of dramatic landscapes worth exploring.
Volcisle is an island created exclusively by continuous volcanic eruptions that form the shape of the island nonstop. Due to the natural inability to be inhabited, people have decided to build a technical platform with rectangular proportions above the island’s area and place all social and economical activities on it.

Chomolungma 8848, Everest
Miriam Georgakopoulou
The sea level has risen. Only Chomolungma (highest peak of 2020 Himalayas) remains above water. The sea is overwhelmed with plastic waste, some of which is being beached off the coast. The neo-primitive tribes who live on Chomolungma use the cast up waste to construct their civilisation, using state of the art technological inheritance of sunk humanity.

Destroy your Island board game
Tamara Arroniz Marín, José Aguilar Martínez
Nowadays, when we think of an island, we think in a vacation place or a place to go party, only few people can think about an island in the way of a place where you want to live or in their natural surroundings, as happen in Mikonos or Ibiza, where native people escape and their natural environments are being destroyed.
The game, through questions and challenges, tries to teach us how we are destroying an ecosystem as unique and precious as our islands are.

Faces like landscapes
Maria Vourloumi
Although only nine kilometers, the island of Schinoussa contains a full world in itself. It is located in the middle of the Aegean and is part of the Lesser Cyclades, a group of islets south-east Naxos. This tiny island is not only made of beaches and hills, of reefs and bottomless waters. It is also made of people who represent its precious landscape. The lives of all these elderly people have etched countless maps on their faces, in their eyes, among the deep as well as eloquent lines carved on their figures. Just like the sea that surrounds them, these faces have been acquainted for long with personal storms and smooth moments, with gloomy farewells and cheerfully homecomings, with wild winters and bright sun-blessed summers.

Wonder Island
Stefania Voulgari
The wonder island is floating. Its texture is of pumice stone, which has therapeutic properties. So the island has this character of therapy. Anyone who walks on it will be cured of any problem he has. The island has no fixed base but with the help of the wind it travels to many places to help those in need.

A (very) tropical island
Elina Thermoyanni
This island is the result of a combination of islands from all over the world. Five points/countries from the whole world have been selected and as a result we have a creation of a unique island. The result is a multi-climate land that is similar to tropical.
Different types of climate can be experienced because of the island’s weather condition. As a result the visitor has to be prepared to deal with extreme situations, as it could be raining in point A while in point B, not far away, it could be extremely hot.
One can observe diversity in other elements of the island like the vegetation and the soil, while the altimeter present alterations between the different parts of the island.
The island represents unity as it combines many different living conditions together and therefore shows how beauty can be found in the uniqueness of all the parts that make up this world.

A Floating Organism
Zografia Zaraveli
Influenced by the work of Kiyonori Kikutake my Marine City My Island is an alternative ocean life-changing solution to issues of density and functionality. Its boundaries are not defined as by a central construction, its structure is multiplied and divided according to the needs and population of the inhabitants. The basic structure is placed close to the shore of the densely populated area, develops as an organism and spreads across the ocean surface.

Starfish Island
Natalia Papageorgiou
Right in the heart of Calypso Deep, located in the Hellenic Trench, Ionian Sea south-west of Pylos, Greece, which is the deepest part of the Mediterranean Sea, with a maximum depth of 5,267m (17,280 ft), at 36°34′N 21°8′E.
An island right out from a fairy tale. With a shape that reminds a starfish and a big kind of lake in the center of it. With a pink shaded terrain and turquoise waters. With rare flora in tones of pink, orange and yellow, and a rich underwater life with tropical fauna and corals. With sandy beaches and jungles. With waterfalls and oasis. A dream island that everyone has dreamed of as a child.

Elias Tsoutsanis