Georgia Papalexandri, Maria Vourloumi
The notion of home is something vague, for some home is a structure where they live and cater their basic needs, for others home can even be a person. However, for the people of Lesser Cyclades home is the sea; home is Skopelitis and its people.
Skopelitis is an iconic family owned boat, that has been connecting the main islands of Naxos and Amorgos with the Lesser Cyclades since 1965. This consistent daily route is of outmost importance for the people of these islands, since it’s the only way of getting to the administrations center and the hospital in the island of Naxos, of supplying them with basic consumer goods and parcels and even for their children to be able to go to high school.
For three generations; and a total of ten wooden boats and iron vessels, Skopelitis has tamed the waves with incredible bravery even during the heaviest seas. All this evolution is leading to the current state of Express Skopelitis, a 45m. awarded boat with a capacity of 340 passengers and 11 cars.
Taking this exact ship, gave us the opportunity by just changing its cell and inner layout to facilitate the journey and the informal needs of a modern day ''Arc''. To be more precise our intention was to create the Skopelitis of tomorrow, in the first place a ‘home’ for all the people of Lesser Cyclades to be able to lead better lives and to have a place to unite and celebrate life. A lifeline for a better future.